Why will you choose a Health coach? An approach Beyond Traditional Healthcare

If you’re new to the world of health coaching, you might be wondering how it differs from the type of care you receive at a typical doctor’s office.

When you visit the doctor, it probably gives you between seven and 15 minutes of real time. If you have a specific complaint, it is very likely that any medication prescribed will help treat the symptom of the problem, but there is not enough time to get to the root cause. The focus of medical care is on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases while health coaching focuses on the prevention of diseases and changes in habits and lifestyle.

When you visit a Health Coach, expect to be asked many questions about every aspect of your life, not just about pain and symptoms. If you have a specific complaint, our goal will be to focus on the root cause while treating the symptoms. For example, if your back hurts, a GP can prescribe pain relievers, while a Health Coach can additionally provide stretches to help relieve pain, provide tools for incorporating lifestyle changes, and will also lend you a closer look at the foods you are consuming that may be contributing to inflammation.

Health Coach: a different method

This method of incorporating a more comprehensive and holistic approach to health care places more value on preventive care. The kind of comprehensive healthcare that a Health Coach like me practices can be difficult to understand, especially if you've only experienced traditional visits to a doctor's office. The main focus when visiting a Health Coach will be based on your individual needs; no one is like you, no two bodies are the same, which can be extremely frustrating when it comes to finding the right wellness plan. While we share a similar basic anatomy, there are many more complicated aspects of our bodies that are completely unique. From the bacteria in our gut to the genes our parents have given us, each person has a different set of needs when it comes to health and wellness.

A Health Coach works with clients to go beyond diet and helps you develop practical and effective lifestyle changes that are tailored to your  needs. For example, I understand that Cross Training is not for everyone, and neither is Pilates. I understand that having a gym membership may be great for some people, but just a waste of money for others or even intimidating. There is no "right" way to be healthy. What's healthy for your friend, like a paleo diet and intermittent fasting every day; It may not be the type of wellness routine that works best for you. The role of a Health Coach is to help you reduce frustration through tools so that you can create wellness habits that are sustainable and effective.

I want to emphasize that the work of doctors is fundamental to diagnose and provide the necessary treatments to support patients; as health coaches we do not compete directly with other health care providers; rather, we complement all healthcare professionals, including dietitians, nutritionists, nurses, physicians, and mental health professionals. A health coach helps clients develop their goals and a workable plan to carry out the regimens prescribed by their medical professionals, as well as to implement basic health-supportive habits and modifications.

Are you ready to give yourself the attention you deserve? If you're curious about how a Health Coach might help you, and how a change in perspective in your thinking about medicine might affect you, let's talk!


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